Monday, October 29, 2012

Elementary Music Blogs I Follow

Here are some of the blogs I am following currently in my Google Reader. Hope you like them! :)

Music Teacher Blog -

Kodaly and Orff Blog -

Melody Soup Blog -
       This is a woman names Bonnie McSpadden. Don't let the yellow cowboy hat with the red flower keep you from reading this! She has some amazing ideas!

Notable Music Studio -
        Say a prayer for Sheryl! They are bracing for Hurricane Sandy right now!

The Music Teachers Blog -
        Lots of free lessons plans here!! With resources to go with them!

Diigo Group

Tonight I looked for groups interested in elementary general music. Sadly, I did not find any; only resources for purchasing materials. :( I first thought about just giving up. Then, I remembered the quote about changing myself this year or being a failure. I am not a failure. So, instead of being frustrated and quitting, I decided to go ahead and make my own group.

I created a Diigo group called Elementary General Music. This is set up for my colleagues and I to share the best lesson plans, websites, you tube videos, media files and other fun resources that we are using in our classrooms. I invited all of the elementary general music teachers in the district and may branch out to invite others in my PLN. I posted the first bookmark and although it is not a personal creation of my own, I am proud to say that I have started to reach out and share. I plan to do so on a regular basis. :)

PLN....Do I have one?

Initially when I began to read this post regarding PLN's, I thought to myself, I don't really have one of these. In our building the grade level teachers have PLC's, but during the professional development time devoted to working in these, I usually spend my time working individually in my room....without sharing any of my ideas or learning from anyone elses.

After reading this blog, I realized a couple of things: first of all, I am part of a PLN. I have contacts on LinkedIn and Pinterest as well as Facebook that I share professional ideas and information with and I could be using the PLC time in my building to be connecting with them. I also have colleagues here in the district and previous colleagues that I can spend time connecting with as well.

I also realize that I have been much more of a consumer than I have a contributor. I was struck by the author's comment that if the school system hasn't changed in a year, okay, but if I haven't changed in a year, I could consider that a failure. I am resolving today to be more confident in my experience, creativity and abilities and begin to share more of what I know with my PLN friends and colleagues. I will start by discussing starting a Pinterest Board for Music Lesson Ideas that my elementary music colleagues and I can share to get the ball rolling on my own personal learning network. :)